100 Huntley Street - 100 Huntley Street | September 11, 2024 Huntley on the Road - Alberta continues! | YES TV

30 min No genre G
  • Greg Musselman
  • Chris Ferland

Greg Musselman joins us from Edmonton to update us on what he's been up to and his work with Voice of the Martyrs Canada. Lara sits down with Chris Ferland, a local Edmonton auto repair business owner who is trying to help people with their car repairs by offering a program called Jumpstart. People in the community can “pay-it-forward” with a $250 donation to help others in need. Chris also shares his story of being a crack cocaine addict in Vancouver’s downtown eastside and being rescued by God (and his late wife Kimberly – who died of cancer) Chris also opens up about how God “saw him” and prevented him from taking his own life. He is now engaged to Shelene and they are serving God together.

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